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Cara Hack Kartu Kredit Bca Baru

Sebenarnya cara vertifikasi paypal ada bebagai macam cara, di sini saya akan jelaskan cara vertifikasi dengan cara yang legal sehingga suatu saat terjadi limit kita tidak akan bingung bila di mintai data dari pihak paypal. Yang pertama yaitu dengan kartu kredit, cara ini yang paling mudah jika kita mempunyai kartu kredit, akan tetapi akan sangatlah sulit jika kita belum mempunyai kartu kredit, apalagi bagi kita yang blm punya pekerjaan tetap, tentunya akan lebih sulit untuk membuat kartu kredit. Saya kira bagi yang sudah mempunyai kartu kredit tidak akan ada kesulitan untuk melakukan vertifikasi paypal. Langsung saja akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara vertifikasi paypal tanpa kartu kredit, yaitu dengan kartu debit card mega maxi, berikut cara-caranya sesuai email yang saya dapat dari paypal. Silahkan diterjemahkan sendiri yah, kalau kesulitan pake google translate aja.hehehehe.

  1. Kartu Kredit Bni
  2. Kartu Kredit Mandiri

To verify your PayPal account using credit card, you can use any card issued by local banks in Indonesia. Where else for debit card, the Only debit card that we knew can be is Debit card called Mega Maxi issued by Bank Mega. Allow me to explain further. Here is how to get your Mega Maxi Debit card works:. You will need to activate your mobile banking called Mega Mobile via the ATM machine and receive the activation code via your mobile phone and email.

You can only use mobile phone; Blackberry or Androids. Your phone numbers must be registered with Telkomsel, Indosat and XL only and local charges may applies. Once your Mega Mobile activated, you may add and link and confirm your debit card in your PayPal account.

Cara Membeli Mobil Baru Murah di Jakarta. Apr 10, 2017. Whaff mod Apk Hack 2017 Whaff Rewards is an Android app that will give. Cara Daftar,Cara Daftar Paypal,cara daftar paypal bca, dengan kartu kredit,dengan vcc,gratis,lewat hp. Cara Menggunakan WireShark Aplikasi Untuk Hack - New Tutorial. Bagi Anda yang baru saja bergabung atau menggunakan kartu simpati maka bisa. Beberapa Fitur dan Syarat Kartu Kredit BCA Everyday Card - jolceksoe's diary.

For more information on Bank Mega services or terms & conditions, you can go to You can also call them directly at +21 500010 or 60010 (HP). After you have added your card, here’s how to link and confirm your credit/debit card: 1. Go to and log in to your account. Click Profile near the top of the page. Click My money.

Click Update beside Debit and credit cards. Click Link and Confirm My Card. Click Save and Continue.

We’ll charge your card $1.95 USD. This charge and a 4-digit PayPal code appear on your card statement within 2 to 5 business days. The code sequence appears as PayPal.1234CODE or PP.1234CODE. We will refund the charge to your PayPal account immediately once you have confirmed your credit card. Here’s how to enter the 4-digit PayPal code to confirm your card: 1. Click Profile near the top of the page. Click My money.

Click Update beside Debit and credit cards. Click Link and Confirm My Card.

Enter the 4-digit PayPal code and click Submit. Alternatively once the PayPal code initiated, we can also expedite the verification process from our end.

Cara membuat kartu kredit bca

What you need to do is, please send us a copy of these documents:. A copy of your photo identification ( eKTP – National ID, SIM – Driving License or Passport).

A copy of your Mega Maxi Debit card picture ( front only ). A copy of your Business License if you have a Business account. Please ensure these documents are in GIF or JPG format and send it to using the email address registered to your PayPal account. Please be informed that it will take 24-48 hours for us to review the documents.

Kartu Kredit Bni

We can also help to expedite your request by calling us directly at +65-6510 4584. Our operating hours will be 7:00 WIB to 21:00 WIB from Monday to Friday and 8:00 WIB to 17:00 WIB from Saturday to Sunday. I hope the above clarifies. Should you need further assistant, please kindly get back to us. We are more than glad to assist you.


Thank you for your interest and I hope your account will get verified soon. Please let me know if you need further assistance. Note: We do not accept VCC (virtual credit card or bank) for example from Neteller, Payoneer or VCN by BNI. Thank you for using PayPal. Have a great day. Sesuai email yang saya dapat dari paypal yang kita lakukan pertama yaitu dengan membuka rekening dulu di Bank Mega terus aktivkan mobile bankingnya.

Kartu Kredit Mandiri

Setelah itu ikuti aja step dari email yang saya dapat yah. Sekian cara vertifikasi paypal tanpa kartu kredit, Semoga bermanfaat.