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Save Data Suikoden 2 Epsxe.mcr

In Suikoden 2 when you start new game you can import your save data from first game. But game tells me no save data found in memory card.

All links are dead, after Maxconsole update. Write here if you want savegame, I try to recovery them for you. PLEASE NO PRIVATE REQUEST MESSAGE. This thread has the purpose to pick up savegames in formed.mcr (epsxe save) this save game can be also compatible with Epsxe emulator for Pc.

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  • Dec 18, 2014  Once you have the save data from Gregminster, and have finished the game, start up Suikoden II. When the game starts, hold down the PS button to reach the menu and select 'Settings.' Select 'Memory Card Utility.'
  • I'm planning on playing Suikoden 2 again but I deleted my memory card that contained my Suikoden 1 file. Can anyone here please lend me his/her Suikoden 1 save game file.

For work, you need have installed cwcheat compatible with your custom firmware. No questions on Psp savegame, epsxe emulator or on matter that don't have connection with this thread. Instructions: You must install cwcheat compatible with your custom firmware. Thanks to Wikipedia and Gamefaqs. Illustrated instructions Installing CWCheat You can download the latest version right from the CWCheat website, then extract the archive. You're looking for a folder called MSROOT. Inside there is another folder called 'seplugins', and inside that one are several files and a directory called cwcheat.

Copy the entire seplugins folder onto the root (very start) of your memory stick, so it should look something like this: Now, turn your PSP completely off by holding the power switch up for like 6 seconds. Once the PSP has been completely turned off turn it back on while holding the R button. The 'Recovery Menu' should pop up Select Plugins and enable all the CWcheat plugins. Now that you have them enabled go back and exit out of the Recovery Menu.

Confirmed with mplab 8.83 and C30 3.31 on Win7/x64. Here's the details from the crash dialog: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: pic30-lm.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4eaac7c3 Fault Module Name: pic30-lm.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4eaac7c3 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00004725 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789. Pic30-lm simply crashes. I'm positive that C30 3.30b/c works fine. Mplab c30 compiler. I only upgraded the compiler, changed nothing else.

Congratulations, you now have CWcheat on your PSP. Using CWCheat to swap memory cards: Now CWcheat is very picky about how the memory card needs to be named, and it also needs to be in epsxe format. If your save is in another format then you need to convert it. The epsxe save needs to be named after the game's Game ID. You can check the Game ID of a game by going to the SonyIndex ( ) website and looking up your game. Connect your USB cable and copy your epsxe save to X: seplugins cwcheat mc Notice how there's a -0 at the end of the filename? You can have up to 255 of these saves, -1, -2, -3, etc.

RecruitmentSave Data Suikoden 2 Epsxe.mcr

Now disconnect your PSP from your computer, and launch your PSX game. To activate CWCheat, hold down the Select button (it may take 1-3 seconds). The CWcheat menu should pop up: Go down to 'Manage memory cards' and select it with X. Originally Posted by Krelian Thanks also to gast1986 You're going to do something like this: 1.) Put your.MCR file in the MC folder in CWCheat in your PSP. 2.) Start your PSone game on your PSP. 3.) Hold SELECT as soon as you see the PlayStation logo and go down to Manage Memory Cards.4.) Choose 'Load memory card 1 from memory stick' (as long as you named your.MCR file properly it should say Last Operation: OK!

At the bottom). 5.) Exit that screen and Return to Game! 6.) After the CWCheat screen is gone I hit HOME and Reset Game (this is only for games that load memory card data when they start up like most fighting games but I do it for every game just in case). 7.) Now the game can see/use your savedata but that information won't be saved into the PSPs Saved Data until you actually go to a save point or do what you need to to save in that game. Once you've saved in game all that information is in the save file in your PSPs Saved Data Utility and you may continue to play your game and save like normal. If you're going to use this save data on just the PSP you won't need to use the CWCheat Memory Card Manager to do anything else (you would need it to go back out to a real PSone memory card though).If you want to make a copy of your PSP saves in case of a bad memory stick just hookup to a computer through USB and go into X: PSP SAVEDATA there you'll find folders corresponding to each of your games, just copy those. Hope that answers your question without giving you too much extra information.

If you're wondering how I learned this, I used the PSX on PSP - Memory Card Handling guide on GamersPress and experimented to learn the rest. Any other questions feel free to ask. Click to expand.That should be it - good luck!

- VIDEO INSTRUNCTION' Still thanks to Weltall. Troubleshooting Why.mcr savegames don't works? (possible causes): 1) Save game must be in.mcr file. 2) Savegame file corrupt.

3) Savegame must be exactly rename in the correct way. 4) Savegame must have of the same country (PAL game CAN ONLY LOAD PAL SAVEGAME, you can't loading a ntsc savegame in a pal game, ect ect). 5) Savegame must have the same Id game, Example SCUS-12125 you can replace only it with anther savegame with SCUS-12125 Id code.

(There can be various codes Id different for the same nation, for example game Pal but platinum ect ect. Psx Tomb Raider Pal Id code is different from Tomb Raider Pal Platinum) 6)In PSX2PSP v1.2 (for example) you have changed the Id save, and.mcr file is no more compatible. Example: Id code =SCES-01000 Kula World (Ntsc) Id savagame code =SCES-01000.mcr If you have edited Id savegame for example in SCES01008, is no more compatible, because Id code are different. Can I write over my save games on my PSP?

Yes - and no. If you already have a memory card on your PSX on PSP game, the save will not be permanent until you do something - make a save, delete a save, and so on. If you try to copy a.mcr file onto your PSX on PSP memory cards that doesn't exist, nothing will happen. Savegame collection: A Ace combat (Air Combat) NTSC (SLUS-00001) All planes at the beginning of game. Ace Combat 2 NTSC (SLUS-00404) Every plane that you could possibly need plus all levels!!! - Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere NTSC (SLUS-00972) All planes at the beginning of game - Oddworld Abe's Exoddus NTSC (SLUS-00913).

1)Beginning of Brewery part of game. 300 Mudokons, no casualties. 2)Played without codes, up to the scrab levels.

3)Start of game, all mudokons saved, zero casualties. Alundra NTSC (SLUS-00553) You now have the Legendary Sword and are ready to enter the Water Mill cave. Ape Escape NTSC (SCUS-94423) File 1 100% complete. File 2 83.3% complete. Armored Core NTSC (SCUS-94182) Have all parts, all missions complete, all 'Human Plus' code features. B Brave Fencer Musashi NTSC (SLUS-00726) Final Save of Brave Fencer Musashi.

Max Status, Power Enhanced, All Legendary Armors, All Castle Member were rescued, All Toys - Breath of Fire III NTSC (SLUS-00422) At the first save point as Ryu with all items, including the Master Rod, all dragon genes, lots of money too. Starts at lv1. C Chase The Express (Know also Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn). NTSC (SLUS-01151) Save before final boss fight in Normal mode going for the best ending. Don't forget to separate the engine from the rest of the train to get the best scenario.

Castlevania: Simphony Of The Night NTSC (SLUS-00067) Play as Richter Belmont. Castlevania: Simphony Of The Night NTSC (SLUS-00067) In the Inverted Castle before a cool boss battle.

You have all but a few relics and at level 47. Demon familar in the 30's level.

Chrono Cross NTSC (SLUS-01041) 1-Start near Opassa Beach. Use the Time Egg to fight Time Devourer.

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All characters are available to battle alongside with. 2-Clear data. Load this file and select 'New Game+' to start a new game with more powerups and items.

Chrono Cross NTSC (SLUS-01041) Save after beating the game, almost every character, Serge pumped up and has prism weapons, and has a lot of elements. Chrono Cross NTSC (SLUS-01041) Saves from various locations in disc 2, there's also a new + save aswell. Chrono Cross NTSC (SLUS-01041) Start in disc 2 with a great number of characters and other saves. Chrono Trigger NTSC (SLUS-01363) Start game with 200k and 87 power tabs(no new game plus save)absolutely the very beginning.