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Breviarium Monasticum Pdf File

  1. Breviarium Monasticum Pdf Files
  2. Breviarium Romanum 1942

Breviary/Office Texts: an overview 20th century Office Books (Breviaries) in AMERICA for the Celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours Texts printed in red denote 'official' and/or 'approved' offices; texts printed in blue denote 'unofficial' offices, though some of them have been 'approved' since the Second Vatican Council. Official books of the Divine Office - the Breviary (used by all who were obliged to the full office) BEFORE THE COUNCIL - up to 1962 Book Title No. Of Books Language Psalter (distribution) Publisher Year Breviarium Romanum 1 (totum) 2,4 Latin Vulgate or Pius XII.

Breviarium monasticum. Patris Benedicti. Preview this book ยป What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any reviews. Creation date: Period: 4 quarter of the 18th century. First issued: Temporal: Second half of.

Breviarium Monasticum Pdf Files


Breviarium Romanum 1942

1962, (with additional printings, afterwards) (The, is as old as, if not older than, the Roman Rite. This Rite is not a 'usage'.) 4 (winter 1, 2, summer 1, 2) Latin, but not the Vulgate as found in most other breviaries of the Roman Rite or its various usages. (It is Jerome's first translation of the Itala version, called the Romana, later on, and still used in St.

Peter's and in Milan)) The structure and texts of the hours are different, generally, from the same hours in the Roman Breviary of pre-Vatican II. Matins has a 2 week distribution by using decuriae (there are 10 decuriae; #1 begins on Monday, Week 1, and # 10 ends on Friday, Week 2) Daverio, Milan 1957 (but also previous editions and subsequent printings) Breviarium - other usages, including some 'rites' (e.g. Carmelite, Dominican, Premonstratensian, Monastic (including Carthusian, Cistercian, Maurist Hungarian Benedictines, within the Roman Rite) Breviarium Monasticum 2 or 4 Latin Vulgate 1 wk (i.e., as formulated by Benedict in his Rule) several but 1963 ed., Marietti Rome through 1963 Breviarium ad usum congregationis Sancti Mauri Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, based on the Maurist Breviary of the Benedictine Congregation of St. Vanne, permitted for use by indult of Gregory XVI. 4 Latin Vulgate, then Pius XII Psalter 1 wk Psalter not formulated by Benedict in his Rule, but organized thematically by day and hour - there is some adherence to the classic Benedictine formulas. From 1842 Typographia Mechitaristica, Vienna 1842, choir edition 1914, revised, 'breviary size' books Breviarium Sacri Ordinis Curtusiensis 1 Latin Vulgate 1 wk monastic (from Benedict) with Carthusian additions 1879 Charterhouse of Notre-Dame-des-Pres, France 1879 Psalterium Breviarii Monastici 1 Latin Vulgate 1 week monastic Psalter with some common offices and seasonal prayers; also includes Office of the Dead and Mass prayers (before & after) 3rd edition, Desclee de Brouwer, Bruges, 1934 The Monastic Diurnal or The Day Hours of the Monastic Breviary compiled by the Monks of St.

John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota 'imported' by the Benedictine Sisters of St. Joseph, Minn. 1 Latin Vulgate & English (Latin and English in parallel columns) English psalms by Paschal Botz, OSB and Basil Stegmann, OSB. All the day hours of the Monastic Breviary; this edition designed for Benedictine Sisters (and others) who were obliged to the office (but dispensed from Matins 'outside the Motherhouse') H. Dessain, Mechlin 1948 through 1963 (5 eds) Cistercian essentially the Monastic Breviary (Breviarium Cisterciense) 4 Latin Vulgate 1 wk monastic Psalter Westmalle, Belgium 1907, 1934, 1950 Carmelite Rite (Breviarium Ordinis Fratrum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo juxta Hiersolymitanae Ecclesiae Antiquam Consuetudinem) 4 Latin Vulgate 1 wk Psalter (basically, Pius X, Roman Rite structure) Desclee, Tournai 1938 Premonstratensian Rite (Breviarium Praemonstratense) 4 Latin Vulgate 1 week Psalter, basic Pius X Roman Rite structure, with variations H.

Dessain, Mechlin 1953 Dominican Rite (Breviarium Juxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum) 2 Latin Vulgate 1 wk Psalter basic Pius X Roman Rite structure, with variations Rome, St. Sabinae (often printed by Marietti) 1962 Bridgettine Nuns (Breviarium Sacrarum Virginum Ordinis Sanctissimi Salvatoris vulgo Sanctae Birgittae) Horas Deiparae Virginis Per Ferias Distributas Continens 2 Latin, Vulgate, includes ' Sermo Angelicus' readings for Matins distributed over 1 week. NOT the Little Office of the BVM.

Shaped in the late Middle Ages (14th cent) updated after Vatican II - Sermo readings now distributed over 3 weeks. Tournai, Desclee vol 2 includes the supplemental offices which completed the entire 150 psalms per week, e.g., Sunday office of the Holy Spirit, Office of the Dead, etc. 1908.